Blog — bacteria

The Thyroid-Gut Connection

The Thyroid-Gut Connection

Written by Chris Kresser Hippocrates said: “All disease begins in the gut.” 2,500 years later we’re just beginning to understand how right he was. And, as I’ll explain in this article, hypothyroidism is no exception. Poor gut health can suppress thyroid function and trigger Hashimoto’s disease, and low thyroid function can lead to an inflamed and leaky gut – as illustrated in the following diagram: The gut-thyroid-immune connection Have you ever considered the fact that the contents of the gut are outside the body? The gut is a hollow tube that passes from the mouth to the anus. Anything that...

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‘Unhealthy’ Microbiomes Could Promote Metabolic Disease

‘Unhealthy’ Microbiomes Could Promote Metabolic Disease

Written by Nicholas Weiler for University of California San Francisco.  Trillions of bacteria surround us, permeate us, and bind our bodies together. They affect our immune systems and our brains, they shift and change with our diet, and some researchers suspect that these microbial multitudes may be an important link between our modern lifestyle and ongoing epidemics of diseases such as asthma, obesity, and diabetes. Leading microbiome researchers recently came to UC San Francisco to share the newest insights about how improving our relationship with our bodies’ microbial ecosystems could be the next big breakthrough in treating metabolic disease. One major theme of...

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Top 5 Reasons to Take Probiotics

Top 5 Reasons to Take Probiotics

Written by Alison Bell Probiotics are a critical piece to supporting your overall health, vitality and many of the issues we face today such as autoimmunity and gut dysbiosis. Probiotics are one of the best ways to strengthen the gut when combined with a healthy diet. So what exactly are probiotics? They are bacteria! Living micro-organisms that are used in the prevention and treatment of gastrointestinal diseases and allergies.[2] They are the good guys living in our gastrointestinal tract fighting the bad bacteria. Over time, antibiotics, medication, poor diet and the western lifestyle will compromise the gut health. One of the benefits of a probiotic is...

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