Blog — stress
Alison Bell
Is Your High Pressure Lifestyle Impacting Your Health?
STRESS AND ITS IMPACTS ON THE GUT “I’m so stressed!”There is no denying the pressure that today’s society puts on us. Whether you’re a high-flying corporate, a hospitality guru or a, just as busy, stay at home Mum - somehow the pressures we face ‘these days’ take much more of a toll on us than they did in days of yore. Society is different, we are different, the expectations on us are far greater and therefore so are the stresses. Stress manifests itself in many ways; headaches, neck pain, twitches – the list goes on, but the one that has...
Alison Bell
Are You Running on Empty?
Are you tired all the time? Do you wake from sleep unrefreshed and have difficulty getting out of bed? Do you crave salty and sweet snacks? Do you rely on stimulants such as coffee, chocolate and energy drinks to get you through the day? Are you noticing you have a decreased ability to handle the everyday stressors of life? If yes, then maybe you're suffering from adrenal fatigue. The adrenal glands are a pair of pyramid-shaped endocrine organs that rest atop of your kidneys. They are about the size of walnuts but have a very big effect on our physiology,...
Alison Bell
Gelatin Health Benefits: 11 Reasons Why You Should Use It
Written by Changing Habits What is Gelatin? Gelatin is a translucent, powdery substance, resembling the texture and appearance of white sand, and is full of amino acids. As our bodies age, we sometimes experience higher levels of inflammation, sickness, compromised digestion, aches and pains. While our bodies can make some of the amino acids on their own, the average person tends to have less gelatin as they age, resulting in depleted essential amino acid levels that the human body requires to function optimally. Gelatin’s amino acid profile 4% Lysine 6% Aspartic acid 8% Arginine 9% Alanine 10% Glutamic acid 12%...
Alison Bell
Am I A Fraud?
I need to admit something - I have felt like a fraud. I speak and write all about gut health, the benefits of bone broth, and share as much research on the microbiome as I can…. all while mine is a complete mess. It is at times embarrassing. Who am I to talk of the benefits of bone broth while I look the way I do? While I struggle with anxiety, panic attacks, food intolerances, bloating, toxicity, obesity, autoimmune disease in the form of hashimoto's hypothyroid, fibromyalgia, lupus and chronic fatigue syndrome…. How can I claim to know what is good for healing when...