Blog — thyroid
Alison Bell
Am I A Fraud?
I need to admit something - I have felt like a fraud. I speak and write all about gut health, the benefits of bone broth, and share as much research on the microbiome as I can…. all while mine is a complete mess. It is at times embarrassing. Who am I to talk of the benefits of bone broth while I look the way I do? While I struggle with anxiety, panic attacks, food intolerances, bloating, toxicity, obesity, autoimmune disease in the form of hashimoto's hypothyroid, fibromyalgia, lupus and chronic fatigue syndrome…. How can I claim to know what is good for healing when...
Alison Bell
The Thyroid-Gut Connection
Written by Chris Kresser Hippocrates said: “All disease begins in the gut.” 2,500 years later we’re just beginning to understand how right he was. And, as I’ll explain in this article, hypothyroidism is no exception. Poor gut health can suppress thyroid function and trigger Hashimoto’s disease, and low thyroid function can lead to an inflamed and leaky gut – as illustrated in the following diagram: The gut-thyroid-immune connection Have you ever considered the fact that the contents of the gut are outside the body? The gut is a hollow tube that passes from the mouth to the anus. Anything that...
Alison Bell
Which broth is right for me?
Written by Alison Bell. If someone told you there was a supplement that builds stronger cartilage, healthy skin, improves muscle repair, detoxifies the liver, prevents and reverses autoimmune disease, improves bone health, relieves arthritis pain and fixes a leaky gut, I’m sure you would be purchasing it without hesitation. Well, that product is not a pill nor a medication, it is the age old bone broth. Given there are so many different types of bone broth available, which one should you choose to heal your specific ailments? Chicken, turkey, duck, venison, beef, lamb, fish, prawn…..? While all bone broths will...