Blog — weight loss

Can your biome make you fat?

Can your biome make you fat?

Written by Sandra Aamodt / TED There seems to be little doubt that the diet book of 2016 is Sandra Aamodt’s Why Diets Make Us Fat: The Unintended Consequences of Our Obsession with Weight Loss — it’s already been a cover story in the New York Times Sunday Review. But more significantly, Aamodt’s book lays waste to the diet-book field — and indeed the entire dieting field — with the radical assertion that it is, in fact, exactly the kind of weight loss generated by diets that prompt your body to regain the weight lost — whether you want to or not....

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Am I A Fraud?

Am I A Fraud?

I need to admit something - I have felt like a fraud. I speak and write all about gut health, the benefits of bone broth, and share as much research on the microbiome as I can…. all while mine is a complete mess. It is at times embarrassing. Who am I to talk of the benefits of bone broth while I look the way I do? While I struggle with anxiety, panic attacks, food intolerances, bloating, toxicity, obesity, autoimmune disease in the form of hashimoto's hypothyroid, fibromyalgia, lupus and chronic fatigue syndrome…. How can I claim to know what is good for healing when...

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How to Own Your Gut Bacteria and Fix Leaky Gut Syndrome

How to Own Your Gut Bacteria and Fix Leaky Gut Syndrome

Written by Bulletproof.  There’s a universe of living organisms in your digestive tract, and the little critters can do a ton for you. The cells in your gut biome can do everything from making you happier to clearing up acne to fixing autoimmune issues – when they’re not trying to control your biology for their own benefit. This post is about how to make your gut bacteria behave so you can reap the many benefits of a balanced gut biome. Up to 100 trillion cells live in your gut microbiome, forming a world that scientists are still working to understand....

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Fix Your Gut Bacteria and Lose Weight

Fix Your Gut Bacteria and Lose Weight

Written by Dr Mark Hyman “I read somewhere that a high-fat diet can damage your gut bacteria and promote weight gain. Should I be concerned if I’m eating a high-fat diet?” It is true that what you eat can affect your gut bacteria, for better and for worse, and changes in your gut bacteria or microbiome cause weight gain.  Indeed, some studies demonstrate that high-fat diets can adversely affect your gut flora and promote inflammation and weight gain. However, it’s important to note that the type of fat you eat matters!  Most of these studies are focused on diets that...

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