Alison Bell
Ferment THIS!
Fermented Foods and Bone Broth – A Winning Combination There was a time when processed foods weren’t even a twinkle… When traditionally prepared foods like fermented vegetables and bone broth were the most commonly consumed meals. Fermented foods are not only an effective method of food preservation, but offer fantastic intestinal support and are great for overall health. Food fermentation is a highly valued, ancient art. People of the Roman era, Ancient Indians, Bulgarians, Ukrainians, Swedish and various Asian cultures all consumed fermented foods for centuries. Many modern illnesses were virtually non-existent in these times, so it makes sense that...
Alison Bell
Understanding Leaky Gut Syndrome and How to Heal Your Gut Naturally
Written by MINND Foundation Leaky Gut Syndrome is one of many diseases that results from chronic inflammation. Poor gut health and inflammatory bowel diseases can be significant causes. Gut Health is Connected to All Aspects of Your Health Gastrointestinal issues may be as simple as gas and bloating, or as severe as food sensitivity and constipation, yet these conditions are not a natural part of daily health or the process of ageing. Gut health serves as a direct indicator of overall health; thus, digestive issues can be symptoms of more serious conditions. The Gut Responds to Diet and Lifestyle The...
Alison Bell
It's a New Year
What Are Your Resolutions for 2018? There’s no use being shy about it… 2017 was a doozey for me. It was a flat out, flooring, heart wrenching, soul searching, inspiration finding experience that I would happily never go through ever again. Nor would I wish it upon anyone. Ever. Suffice to say, a few resolutions have presented themselves to me for the forthcoming December 31 celebrations. Whether you’re one for new year’s resolutions or not, it’s hard to deny that the whole process is quite a cleansing one. It urges us to look back on the year that was, reflect...
Alison Bell
One More Small Piece of the Puzzle on the Role of Gut Micro Organisms in MS
Written by Ana Belo Van Wijk, PHD for Multiple Selerosis News, Study Generates New Piece of Puzzle on Role of Gut Microbiota Researchers found a significant increase in some types of gut bacteria and lower levels of an anti-inflammatory factor in untreated multiple sclerosis twins. The study offered working evidence that components of gut microbiota contribute to autoimmune diseases like MS. Researchers published their article in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. It was titled Gut microbiota from multiple sclerosis patients enables spontaneous autoimmune encephalomyelitis in mice. Our gut contains millions of good bacteria, fungi, bacteria-like archaea,...