
Can your biome make you fat?

Can your biome make you fat?

Written by Sandra Aamodt / TED There seems to be little doubt that the diet book of 2016 is Sandra Aamodt’s Why Diets Make Us Fat: The Unintended Consequences of Our Obsession with Weight Loss — it’s already been a cover story in the New York Times Sunday Review. But more significantly, Aamodt’s book lays waste to the diet-book field — and indeed the entire dieting field — with the radical assertion that it is, in fact, exactly the kind of weight loss generated by diets that prompt your body to regain the weight lost — whether you want to or not....

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Am I A Fraud?

Am I A Fraud?

I need to admit something - I have felt like a fraud. I speak and write all about gut health, the benefits of bone broth, and share as much research on the microbiome as I can…. all while mine is a complete mess. It is at times embarrassing. Who am I to talk of the benefits of bone broth while I look the way I do? While I struggle with anxiety, panic attacks, food intolerances, bloating, toxicity, obesity, autoimmune disease in the form of hashimoto's hypothyroid, fibromyalgia, lupus and chronic fatigue syndrome…. How can I claim to know what is good for healing when...

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Got Mood Swings, Anxiety, Depression or Irritability? The Answer may Actually be in Your Gut

Got Mood Swings, Anxiety, Depression or Irritability? The Answer may Actually be in Your Gut

Written by ELG.  Conventional medicine views the body in terms of distinct systems, and therefore often sees the mind as independent from the rest of the body. As a consequence, those who struggle with mood imbalances assume that treating their body will have no effect on their mental health. Common mood imbalances that I see are mood swings, anxiety, depression, irritability, difficulty concentrating, poor memory, lack of focus, and brain fog. If you suffer from any of these, your symptoms may be attributable to one underlying infection: Candida overgrowth. Candida is a yeast, which is a form of fungus, a very small amount of...

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Alison Bell
Dr Brett Hill from The Wellness Guys

Dr Brett Hill from The Wellness Guys

Hometown: Adelaide Star Sign: Saggitarius I start my day with a nice long shower I relax with a book or a walk If I could wake up anywhere tomorrow it would be in a tent with my kids My secret to staying young is understanding that you can't stay young but if I take care of myself I can age gracefully. Best advice for starting a paleo diet is keep it simple The main reason choose packaged food is it is cheap and easy and sometimes tasty. The favourite part of my job is helping people make changes that benefit their kids. I keep my energy up by exercising regularly. My favourite...

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