Alison Bell
5 Tips for Eating Healthy During a Coronavirus Quarantine
Written by Charlie Smith While there’s still more to know about COVID-19, eating healthy is still a standard requirement for normal immune function. However, some of us have been reaching for chips instead of celery due to pandemic anxiety. David Taylor, a nutrition expert at Monkeyfoodz, worries that people might use mindless eating as a coping mechanism. According to him, the repetitive days can cause boredom, stress, depression, anxiety, and sadness. The subconscious could respond to these negative emotions through comfort eating. He provided the following eating tips to remain healthy during quarantine: 1. Increase Fruit and Vegetable Serving Fruits...
Alison Bell
The Secret To Healthy Christmas Gravy
The Best Christmas Gravy Recipe Christmas is upon us and amongst all the other things on your to-do list is finding the perfect Christmas gravy recipe. After all, Christmas means delicious food and if you’re going for a traditional roast on December 25th, you definitely need to top it off with gravy. Our best-kept-secret recipe for gravy is not just tasty, it’s good for you too. Make gravy that’s healthy and delicious There is one simple secret behind the healthiest and tastiest gravy this Christmas season (or any other time) is bone broth. Bone Broth is your go-to ingredient to...
Alison Bell
Food Is Medicine
Written by Dr Lucy Burns of Real Life Medicine I recently went down the rabbit hole of food labelling. I did a presentation called The Doctor’s Guide to Reading Nutritional Labels”. Do you know you what? It is frightening to see the products out there. Everyday products that we are eating. Products we feed our families, filled with ingredients that would be more at home in a chemical factory than in our pantries. They have fillers, emulsifiers, synthetic ingredients, industrialised seed oils, additives. These are added to increase the shelf life, make the product cheaper or worse make it addictive. The...
Alison Bell
7 Tips to Stay Safe From Coronavirus
Written by Alison Bell It seems near impossible to avoid hearing about Coronavirus every day at the moment. When the media start using words such as epidemic and pandemic, it naturally evokes fear and panic. This turns to excitement, holding your attention on their space which is brilliant for the media ad space. Panic sells. Social Media "reporters" and bloggers claim to report the "truth", but unfortunately for the most part is full of unsubstantiated theories and opinion evoking even more fear than the mainstream media. There is very little chance of actually dying from this disease compared with other epidemic illnesses such as ebola. If on...