Blog — bone broth

7 Tips to Stay Safe From Coronavirus

7 Tips to Stay Safe From Coronavirus

Written by Alison Bell It seems near impossible to avoid hearing about Coronavirus every day at the moment. When the media start using words such as epidemic and pandemic, it naturally evokes fear and panic. This turns to excitement, holding your attention on their space which is brilliant for the media ad space. Panic sells.  Social Media "reporters" and bloggers claim to report the "truth", but unfortunately for the most part is full of unsubstantiated theories and opinion evoking even more fear than the mainstream media.  There is very little chance of actually dying from this disease compared with other epidemic illnesses such as ebola. If on...

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The Ultimate Guide to Collagen

The Ultimate Guide to Collagen

Written by Claudio Calderia @ Glo Beauty What is Collagen? Is the most abundant protein found in the human body. And it can be found in the muscles, bones, tendons and most importantly from our point of view, the skin. Collagen makes up an impressive 75% of the organ. Collagen is found in the dermis or “middle layer” of the skin along with elastic tissue, that gives it its fullness and plumpness. So why is collagen essential? One word – Wrinkles. Collagen is what keeps your skin full and youthful-looking. Our bodies produce new collagen every day; however, after the age...

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Collagen Vs. Gelatin – What’s the Difference?

Collagen Vs. Gelatin – What’s the Difference?

Written by Jordan Pie, Nutritionist & GAPS Practitioner. Two of the trendiest gut healing foods right now are gelatin and collagen. If you’ve been following me for a while, you may know that I often use them in lots of the recipes i share. And for good reason! They’re both packed with amino acids that provide a tonne of different health benefits. When it comes to the health benefits of gelatin and collagen, they’re actually identical. That’s because gelatin is the cooked form of collagen (the cooking gives it a very different texture and is what gives them different uses, more...

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8 Reasons to Try Bone Broth

8 Reasons to Try Bone Broth

Written by Jordan Pie, Nutritionist & GAPS Practitioner. From a healthy gut to stronger and healthier skin, hair and nails, there are many benefits to consuming bone broth. Traditional foods such as cultured dairy, cultured vegetables, bone broth and stocks have been consumed for thousands of years because they contain incredible health benefits. Bone broth or stock was a way our ancestors honoured the whole animal. They used the parts they couldn't eat directly such as the bones, ligaments, bone marrow, tendons and feet, and boiled them in water over a period of days. By simmering these parts of the...

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