Blog — immune system

Gelatin Health Benefits: 11 Reasons Why You Should Use It

Gelatin Health Benefits: 11 Reasons Why You Should Use It

Written by Changing Habits  What is Gelatin? Gelatin is a translucent, powdery substance, resembling the texture and appearance of white sand, and is full of amino acids. As our bodies age, we sometimes experience higher levels of inflammation, sickness, compromised digestion, aches and pains. While our bodies can make some of the amino acids on their own, the average person tends to have less gelatin as they age, resulting in depleted essential amino acid levels that the human body requires to function optimally. Gelatin’s amino acid profile 4% Lysine 6% Aspartic acid 8% Arginine 9% Alanine 10% Glutamic acid 12%...

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Origins of the Microbiome

Origins of the Microbiome

Written by Kelly Brogan, MD.  "We barely know what we are doing when it comes to probiotic supplementation,” I admitted to my patient, “but we do know that we are on the verge of the most sophisticated understanding of human health and disease since the dawn of medicine, and it comes down to our symbiotic relationship to our body’s microbes.” The abuses we have brought upon our gut flora are largely obvious – we have been eating loads of sugar, processed vegetable oils, pesticides, genetically modified foods, and living in a bath of and industrial chemicals. But what should our microbiome look...

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9 Powerful Uses for Frankincense Oil

9 Powerful Uses for Frankincense Oil

Written by   The healing power of essential oils has been known and used since the most ancient of times. This is testified in Egyptian hieroglyphics dating more than 5,000 years ago. They are considered to be the first medicines of mankind and were an important part of the prescriptions of Hippocrates. Essential oils were also used very regularly during biblical times, and they are mentioned frequently throughout the bible. One oil that is referenced often in the bible is frankincense. Frankincense was one of the oils used to make the holy incense of Exodus (Exodus 30:34-36), and it...

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The Most Nutritious Elixir

The Most Nutritious Elixir

Written by Casey Thaler It's been a long, rewarding day... Your ancient ancestral tribe of hunter-gatherers have just finished a long overdue, fruitful hunt. Everyone in the tribe is hungry and excited. As you look on, they're harvesting every part of the dead animal.   Mouth-watering muscle and organ meats are taken first. Even things that can't be eaten are scavenged to make clothing, weapons and tools later on. Everything is precious. Nothing is wasted. But what about the parts of the animal too tough to chew? What about those that don't work so well for shelter, weapons or clothing? What about the bones,...

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