When Autumn rolls around and the crispy, crunchy leaves form a tapestry of gorgeousness on the ground it’s the perfect time to stop and just breathe it all in. Though, as many of us know, along with a time of beauty Autumn also means the beginning of the snotty season. Sadly, the beauty of the cooler weather can quickly be forgotten when in the midst of a cloudy brain, a clogged-up nose and a scratchy throat. Like many, I am a big believer in preparation being the best form of defence and bone broth is the perfect way to start preparing the immune system for the onslaught of flus, colds, brisker weather and chesty coughs.
You will have heard people refer to having a bowl of chicken soup when you’re sick. Perhaps they’ve even said it’ll make you feel better. While it might seem something of a myth or old wives tale, there is something pretty special about comfort food when you’re feeling poorly. More to the point, chicken bone broth, which is often the base for such a soup, is well known for;
- Fighting infections
- Acting as an anti-inflammatory
- Improving digestion
and - Its healing abilities on the upper respiratory tract.
Jam packed to the brim with vitamins, gelatines and nutrients, chicken bone broth is a wonderful, natural form of defence when you, the kids or even the neighbours start to get sniffly!
It’s hard to believe that with Summer just barely gone, we are already facing another flu season, but it is on the horizon. While it brings with it the lovely brisk morning air, we all know that to not prepare is to go down in a hopeless pile of aches, snot and self-pity. So, this pre-season, let’s train our bodies to fight the evils of Autumn and Winter! Let’s support hubby in his quest to avoid man flu! Let’s arm the kids with a weapon we’ll be proud to give them… Let’s take on the certified organic dehydrated bone broth challenge and get through the flu season unscathed.
While I am clearly a big believer in bone broth and its powers to do good and fight the forces of evil (AKA cold and flu), I am also a massive advocate for all things in moderation and the importance of a kick-arse healthy diet. Nothing makes any sense unless you’re eating a well-balanced diet. Combine that with regular exercise, a good quality probiotic and of course, bone broth – and you’ll be quite literally, fighting fit!
It must also be noted that chicken bone broth is not the only one with brilliant key benefits. Our certified organic dehydrated lamb and beef bone broths also know how to pack a protective punch! As well as being delish, our beef and lamb bone broths can treat a leaky gut and relieve joint pain. All 3 products are rich in gelatines, vitamins and minerals, are organic, paleo friendly, gluten free and GAPS friendly.
So, if you want to get a head start on the infections that so regularly threaten to invade your nasal cavity, stock up on Broth of Life’s handmade, certified organic, dehydrated bone broths today! After all, a brothee a day can keep the nasties at bay.