Blog — anxiety

Broth of Life Christmas Checklist

Broth of Life Christmas Checklist

Christmas Tips that Might Just Change Your Life I don't know about you, but I've been in a bit of denial about how close Christmas really is. Now though, there's no denying it. The jolly, chubby dude in that unmistakable red suit is just around the corner. The realisation that Santa's imminent arrival is super close launched me out of my office chair into immediate Christmas planning action. I recently wrote a blog about avoiding the stress of Christmas. This one is similar, but more focussed on getting stuff done so you can sit back and enjoy the time. Personally,...

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Gut Health - Why is it so important?

Gut Health - Why is it so important?

Trust Your Gut There was a time when gut health was a bit of a mystery. These days, just about everyone knows that it’s important, they are just not 100% certain as to why. Believe it or not, the unsuspecting gut can affect a large percentage of our bodily functions. Have it in mint condition and you barely even notice it, but don’t look after it and you’ll know about it pretty quickly. You know when you don’t feel right, you know when you get a feeling it the pit of your stomach that just won’t go away. Yes, sometimes...

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7 Ways To Improve That GUT Feeling

7 Ways To Improve That GUT Feeling

Written by Alison Bell We’ve all experienced, ‘that’ gut feeling… The feeling deep in the pit of your stomach that tells you something’s wrong, right, amazing or just plain silly. Well, it turns out – it’s actually more than just a feeling.  The gastrointestinal tract is sensitive to emotions such as anger, anxiety, sadness and happiness. ‘How?’ you ask… When any emotion is felt, it triggers symptoms in the gut that are often described as butterflies, nerves or nauseousness. This happens as a result of our brain and gut being intricately linked. The simplest way to explain it, is that...

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Is Your High Pressure Lifestyle Impacting Your Health?

Is Your High Pressure Lifestyle Impacting Your Health?

STRESS AND ITS IMPACTS ON THE GUT  “I’m so stressed!”There is no denying the pressure that today’s society puts on us. Whether you’re a high-flying corporate, a hospitality guru or a, just as busy, stay at home Mum - somehow the pressures we face ‘these days’ take much more of a toll on us than they did in days of yore. Society is different, we are different, the expectations on us are far greater and therefore so are the stresses. Stress manifests itself in many ways; headaches, neck pain, twitches – the list goes on, but the one that has...

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