Blog — leaky gut
Alison Bell
Gut Health - Why is it so important?
Trust Your Gut There was a time when gut health was a bit of a mystery. These days, just about everyone knows that it’s important, they are just not 100% certain as to why. Believe it or not, the unsuspecting gut can affect a large percentage of our bodily functions. Have it in mint condition and you barely even notice it, but don’t look after it and you’ll know about it pretty quickly. You know when you don’t feel right, you know when you get a feeling it the pit of your stomach that just won’t go away. Yes, sometimes...
Alison Bell
3 Surefire Ways to Recover From Antibiotic Use
Antibiotics - a bit of a catch Twenty-two So, you’re feeling throaty, chesty, raspy, think you might have an ear infection – or maybe you’re just feeling ‘bleh’ and want to figure out why. Among the many things that send us to the Doctor are viral infections. Most of us, as frustrating as they are, would hope for a viral diagnosis over a bacterial one, as they usually only require rest and there is no need for prescribed medications. Although we try to avoid antibiotic use, it must be said that in circumstances where ones’ health is at serious risk...
Alison Bell
Digestive System Blues
If you are suffering with Irritable Bowl System, Chron’s disease, chronic constipation, chronic diarrhoea.. or both! If you have digestive issues, heartburn, reflux, cramping, bloating, gas… then you are not alone. I hear from people just like you on a daily basis.
Alison Bell
Is It the “Terrible Twos”? Or Is It a Disrupted Gut Microbiome?
Written by Chris Kresser Kids out of control? New evidence suggests that a disrupted gut microbiome could be partly responsible for unruly behavior in children. Read on to learn how the brain develops, the role of the gut in this process, and how bad temperament in early childhood might be associated with gut dysbiosis. Parents often complain about the “terrible twos,” which more often than not turn into the “terrible threes and fours.” Ritalin is one of the most prescribed drugs to children, and the number of prescriptions doled out for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is increasing each year. Beyond just...