
Hippocrates - The Man Knew What He Was on About

Hippocrates - The Man Knew What He Was on About

Born around 460BC, Hippocrates was from Kos in Greece. Regarded as the greatest physician of his time, he is often referred to as the Father of Modern Medicine. [1] He was the first person to remove the link between religious superstition and medicine. He achieved this by establishing medicine as a science based on observation. Hippocrates also developed an understanding of how health is often influenced by the environment, by diet and by the failure of bodily functions. In short, he was a very smart man who knew his stuff and was ahead of his time. In addition to the all this,...

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Alison Bell
7 Food Additives that Trigger Leaky Gut

7 Food Additives that Trigger Leaky Gut

Written by Dr Axe. If you are dedicated and serious about healing leaky gut and autoimmune disease, I need you to know about a recent study that IDs seven food additives that trigger leaky gut, or at the very least contribute to the condition. So what, exactly, is leaky gut? Known in the medical literature for more than a 100 years "intestinal permeability," in my opinion, many modern doctors don't know how to ID and treat leaky gut. That's a shame because it's believed to be at the root of  which is at the root of many diseases. Signs and symptoms you have leaky...

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Alison Bell
Thyroid: 10 Things I Wish My Endocrinologist Would Have Told Me

Thyroid: 10 Things I Wish My Endocrinologist Would Have Told Me

Written by Dr Izabella Wentz When I was first diagnosed I consulted with a variety of specialists, I felt that I still didn’t get a good understanding of what’s really going on in Hashimoto’s. Here are a few things that would have been helpful to know at the beginning of my journey… Ten Things I Wish My Doctor Would Have Told Me… You are not going crazy! The anxiety, depression, irritability, mood swings, and emotional numbness you are feeling could be related to your thyroid. Thyroid antibodies are a marker that lets us know that the immune system is destroying thyroid tissue,...

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Alison Bell
Get Your Spring Back!

Get Your Spring Back!

Cleanse with Bone Broth. Spring has definitely sprung. In fact, here in Queensland you’d be considered sane for thinking it’s already Summer… Regardless of temperature, spring inevitably marks the time of year when we’re all in rejuvenation mode. Whether it’s clearing out a wardrobe, your entire house or flushing your body of toxins, spring cleaning is a term well-known to many of us. Winter is done, the snot begins to disappear, coughs fade away… which, in theory, means we should be feeling better.... Yet somehow, we’re not. Somehow the shadow of winter can hang over us for longer than we...

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