Alison Bell
Are High-Fat Diets Bad for the Microbiome?
Written by Chris Kresser Those in the Paleo and ancestral health communities have a tendency to follow high-fat, low-carb diets. After all, when you cut out grains, you naturally cut out a lot of carbs. But are there downsides? What happens to our microbiome on a high-fat diet? If you’ve been following my work for a while, you won’t be surprised when I say, “It depends.” In this episode we discuss: Questions to ask about these findings High fiber and its impact on high-fat diets Low-carb, low-fiber diets can be detrimental Each person responds to high-fat diets differently Chris Kresser: Hey,...
Alison Bell
Bone Broth... Drink It, Eat It, Bathe In It!
Bathe in it? Really? Well… Personally, no. But it DOES happen. Our Broth of Life family do what we do because we love it. We also genuinely believe in it. To come across a product and make it the centre of your life is a pretty big thing, but for us it wasn’t difficult. The simple truth is that bone broth worked for us. We had a gut feeling (pardon the pun) that this wonderfully healing product could help us help many. And it has. How? You ask… By all means, let me tell you! The There’s a long list...
Alison Bell
The Low Down on Bone Broth, Collagen & Gelatin
Here at Broth of Life, we are asked a multitude of questions from the origins of bone broth to the details of its contents and its nutritional value. One question that tends to come up quite frequently is around the difference between gelatin and collagen. Another is why bone broth is preferred over powdered gelatin and collagen products. What is the Difference Between Gelatin and Collagen? The reason the answer to this question can be so confusing is that gelatin is made of collagen. Collagen is the basic structure of bone, tendons, hair, skin, and connective tissues. Gelatin is quite...
Alison Bell
The GAPS Diet - What, Why and How
WHAT IS THE GAPS DIET? GAPS is an acronym for ‘Gut and Psychology Syndrome.’ If it has been recommended that you give the GAPS diet a go, it is likely that you have been suffering from gut issues, an autoimmune disease, arthritis or that you are susceptible to virtually every cold, flu or infection under the sun. Perhaps the GAPS diet has come into your life because you have been diagnosed with depression or a mental illness, you suffer from allergies, anemia or eczema – or maybe you have just decided, on your own terms, that it seems like the...