
Is Your High Pressure Lifestyle Impacting Your Health?

Is Your High Pressure Lifestyle Impacting Your Health?

STRESS AND ITS IMPACTS ON THE GUT  “I’m so stressed!”There is no denying the pressure that today’s society puts on us. Whether you’re a high-flying corporate, a hospitality guru or a, just as busy, stay at home Mum - somehow the pressures we face ‘these days’ take much more of a toll on us than they did in days of yore. Society is different, we are different, the expectations on us are far greater and therefore so are the stresses. Stress manifests itself in many ways; headaches, neck pain, twitches – the list goes on, but the one that has...

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Chicken salt on chips

FINALLY! A chicken salt that’s not full of nasties!

From the moment our babies come into the world, we worry. We worry about what not to bathe or moisturise them in, whether or not the ‘tummy stuff’ their experiencing is ‘normal’, we worry that they’re gaining weight too slowly – or too fast… And of course, we worry about what we’re putting in their mouths - what food we’re giving them – what’s in it, if it’s natural, if it’s good for them. Our babies inevitably come ahead of us as far as priorities go – it’s just the way it is. We’d throw ourselves in front of a bus...

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The Fountain of Youth

The Fountain of Youth

  REFLECTIONS OF, THE WAY YOU USED TO BE (I hope you sang that) Has it happened to you yet? It happens to all of us. WHEN it happens just depends on genetics and our lifestyles. For me… I was about 33. I woke up, got out of bed. It was just another ordinary day. I looked in the mirror and… <’Agggggggghhhh!’… insert ‘Hitchcock-Psycho-style-scream’ here> ‘Um… When the heck did THIS happen? I’ve got more lines than Movie World! I mean, I know, the very wise, Jimmy Buffet, once said, ‘Wrinkles will only go where smiles have been,’ but I...

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Maybe It Was Something I Ate?

Maybe It Was Something I Ate?

Written by Alison Bell NOT FEELING SO GOODMaybe it’s food poisoning… It’s an elusive beast. One that we can never really know is there until it’s too late… But one that, pretty much, all of us has faced one way or another. Whether it was from a high-end restaurant – or from a 3am post dance floor kebab, we all know it’s gross… And we wouldn’t wish it upon anyone.If you’re suffering from food poisoning – or a foodborne illness, you’re probably suffering from a combination of vomiting, diarrhea, bloody diarrhea, abdominal pain, fever and chills. Depending on the state...

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