Alison Bell
The RIGHT Support for your Body
GOING UNDER THE KNIFE “We’re going to have to operate.” They’re 6 words that no-one ever wants to hear. No accountant, no musician, no dancer, no athlete, no teacher, no stay at home Mum… No-one. Because instantly, when we’re confronted with those words, our state of mind alters. A thousand questions power through our brains. Will I live? Die? Be better? Worse? Will it affect my way of life? No matter the nature of the surgery – it’s never an easy moment. One question that the surgeons always focus on, but we, remarkably, tend to avoid, is, ‘is your...
Alison Bell
Are You Running on Empty?
Are you tired all the time? Do you wake from sleep unrefreshed and have difficulty getting out of bed? Do you crave salty and sweet snacks? Do you rely on stimulants such as coffee, chocolate and energy drinks to get you through the day? Are you noticing you have a decreased ability to handle the everyday stressors of life? If yes, then maybe you're suffering from adrenal fatigue. The adrenal glands are a pair of pyramid-shaped endocrine organs that rest atop of your kidneys. They are about the size of walnuts but have a very big effect on our physiology,...
Alison Bell
The Future of Dreams Depends on FEAR
Written by Alison Bell It’s 2am and one must wonder why I am awake. I’m exhausted, yet somehow can’t sleep. My body is aching and I can’t lie still. My mind is fried, but won’t stop firing a hundred miles an hour. I can’t quite put words to the sensation I feel. It’s not fear, not anxiety, not panic, but it is remarkably uncomfortable. I am lying next to the love of my life, in an apartment next to dear friends, yet I feel so alone and scared. What is this bizarre sensation that has washed over me as I...
Alison Bell
The Must Have For All Athletes
Summer is fast approaching, and more people are returning to activity and sport. Some are getting back into seasonal competition, others have started training to shed a few of those winter kilo's. Whether you are a weekend warrior, getting fit or a professional athlete, it is important to restore fluids and electrolytes lost through sweat during intense training or activity in the Australian heat! Bone broth is the perfect post workout drink as it contains a good dose of electrolytes in the form of: calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium and phosphorus. These minerals are easily absorbed by the body in liquid...