Alison Bell
Bone Broth Basics
Written by Alison Bell Everyone is talking about bone broth. You can find it now in just about any whole food protocol or diet. And clearly given the business I now own, I love bone broth. It is just magical on a cold winter morning, especially when the early symptoms of a cold or flu are coming on. It warms the body from the inside out with pure comfort, and I know there is full nutrition in every mouthful I take. Bone broth is loaded with minerals and vitamins and amino acids making it a king for gut health, joint...
Alison Bell
Should I drink bone broth - What about my cholesterol?
Saturated fats are often blamed for high cholesterol and known as being the cardiac killer. Their role in human health is something to be feared. It’s the one big scary word that sends young and old alike into a fit of panic if they are informed by medical staff that their cholesterol is “high”. The instant thought for recovery is margarine and a low fat diet. It has been so deeply ingrained into our culture that we don’t even think twice about it. But science and research are now showing something different, however it may take society, medicine and the...
Alison Bell
Alison Bell
All Signs, Symptoms, Triggers, & Treatments For Hypo & Hyperthyroidism
Written by Collective Evolution Thyroid issues have been becoming increasingly common in recent years, prompting many questions surrounding thyroid health. What is the thyroid? What does it do? Where is it located? What is the difference between hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism? Hopefully this article can help answer these questions for you so you can ensure your thyroid stays healthy or, if there are already issues, that it gets better. What Is The Role Of The Thyroid? The thyroid is a gland that secretes hormones that regulate many metabolic processes, including growth and energy expenditure. If the thyroid becomes overactive or slow it will...