Blog — beef

Grass-fed or Grain-fed Cattle - What's the Difference?

Grass-fed or Grain-fed Cattle - What's the Difference?

Which is Better and Why It’s a topic of conversation that can easily escalate into a heated and lengthy debate, particularly when it comes to livestock farmers. If you like to live by the notion of ‘the more natural better’ then you will probably agree that grass fed beef is the way to go. When compared with grain fed beef, grass fed beef; Is leaner Has lower levels of dietary cholesterol Has higher levels of Vitamin A and E – which can help fight heart disease Has Higher levels of heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids Can improve blood sugar through the...

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Bone Broth - A History Worth Celebrating

Bone Broth - A History Worth Celebrating

Gulping down a warm, meaty, hearty, healthy broth has been a popular form of sustenance for as long as the world is old. Bone broth is an ancient elixir and the story of its origins are widespread. It’s quite difficult to pinpoint where it all began,

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Bone Broth Basics

Bone Broth Basics

Written by Alison Bell Everyone is talking about bone broth. You can find it now in just about any whole food protocol or diet. And clearly given the business I now own, I love bone broth. It is just magical on a cold winter morning, especially when the early symptoms of a cold or flu are coming on. It warms the body from the inside out with pure comfort, and I know there is full nutrition in every mouthful I take. Bone broth is loaded with minerals and vitamins and amino acids making it a king for gut health, joint...

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Which Oil When

Which Oil When

Written by Damian Kristof The ‘Which Oil When?’ debate can be dated back to the 1960s showdown between butter and margarine. In response to growing concerns about the perceived dangers of animal fats and saturated fats in our diets, the food industry promoted a new range of ‘heart-healthy’ unsaturated fats, coined vegetable oils. These industrial seed oils offered what was believed to be a safer alternative to traditional animal based cooking oils such as butter, tallow and lard, and with that, thousands of people swapped their cooking staples with these new and exciting alternatives. But what actually were these exciting...

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