Hometown: Brunswick, Western Australia
Star Sign: Sagittarius
I start my day with usually a wee
I relax with Tai Chi
If I could wake up anywhere tomorrow it would be the Maldives I hear it's pretty awesome there
My secret to staying young is fermented foods, bone broth, stress reduction
Best advice for self care is we are only here in this life for a short finite period do things that are going to make for an enjoyable time so eat well, sleep, drink quality water, get adequate movement & do what you love
The main benefit of fermented food is too many
The most important part of wellness for me is good quality food
My favourite fermented food is bloody hell, so tricky I make a spicy sauerkraut variation which I call "The Medicine" - the taste is amazing and all the beneficial medicinal spices such as turmeric, ginger, pepper etc really do make this a form of medicine - there's solid research on this stuff in the peer reviewed studies . In summer though some coconut kefir & coconut yogurt is hard to beat!
My most treasured “possession” is photos of family members who are no longer with us are dear to me. I'd be stuffed without my iPhone it has made my life a lot easier!! But I have many many sentimental trinkets that I hold close to me (I'm a bit of a hoarder)
I wish I had spent more time Learning the Italian language I'm ashamed to not speak fluently and would love to have conversations with my elderly relatives in their native language
I wish I hadn’t been so hard on myself and put so much pressure to do so well at University
My happiest moment in life was There's so many... I have a heap of happy family moments the yearly Italian sausage making day with all the family is always fun and brings everyone together, birth of my two nephews was exciting. I will say I was very proud to have my family with me for my chiropractic graduation receiving the Graduate of the Year award.
I’m very bad at I suffer from paralysis by analysis -- I go into way too much detail and want to know everything -- my fermenting book is taking me way too long as I am pretty much reading every scientific paper on pubmed on the microbiology of fermented food as well as the health implications -- which pretty much daily new studies come out!!
I’m very good at anything food related- especially fermenting. I do a pretty good job at eating it too! I probably should make mention that my chiropractic skills are pretty awesome :)
Friends say I’m fantastic in the kitchen
My greatest fear is not doing all the things I want to do
If only I could be duplicated ;)
I’m always being asked without a doubt A LOT of fermenting questions on social media. In clinic how do I have the discipline to eat and live the way I do
My worst job was pizza delivery
My motivational tip is get inspired -- when your inspired it doesn't require effort
I don’t like modern food and agricultural system and inconsiderate people
I’m very happy being myself really I'm happy doing what I am doing
I love my family, close friends and those who inspire me, and I love my life
I’m currently listening to The Ronettes (don't judge please)
My favourite movie is I'm a sucker for Quentin Tarantino films
I can’t wait to release my Fermenting Book, Fermenting Ecourse and roll out my ideas and share with everyone
Dr. Jeremy Princi
DC BSc(Chiro) BChiro(Hons),Pg.Dip.(Sports Chiro), ICCSP, HLC
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