Hometown: Auckland, NZ
Star Sign: Aries (Monkey in Chinese horoscope!)
I start my day with Coconut oil pulling, a WOD (Workout Of the Day from 2mins to 50mins depending on time available) and lighting my vaporiser!
I relax with Instant Calm and either watching a good movie or going for a run to clear my head!
If I could wake up anywhere tomorrow it would be Right where I am with my wee family. (A tropical island with a gorgeous hunk massaging me would not go astray!Lol!)
My secret to staying young is Not sure I have a secret… but lots of laughs, natural skincare, beautiful real, whole food, movement every day, being grateful and always remembering to be kind!
Best advice for self care is You don’t have to make it a big deal… lots of little things go towards feeling great and make it easier to make it a priority. A few drops of your favourite essential oil on a face washer and body scrub in the shower, body boosting every morning, a vaporiser on with a wee prayer, spritzing whilst driving, saying grace before you eat anything, always being grateful and telling people you love them… All of these little things make up a whole lot of awareness and a great sense of self care. Self-care is not selfish - it’s essential!
The main reason people lack rituals is Maybe its just a new perspective. Maybe they have plenty of rituals but right now they just see them as have-to’s and maybe don't think of them as rituals. You can easily turn daily routines into rituals like above just by adding essential oils to everything you do!
The favourite part of my job is Getting to share my absolute love and passion for essential oils every single day and then finding out that there are times when they have literally changed lives.
I keep my energy up by Eating well, sleeping as well as I can, exercising, giving to others and loving what I do!
My favourite type of exercise is running!
Essential oils are essential because Essential oils are the quickest and easiest way to make self-care a priority. They are the ultimate tool anyone can use to instantly create awareness of self. They are a beautiful distraction when stressed and are medicinal, healing, uplifting, sedating, relaxing and balancing. They are pure, plant extracts that help us to feel good and re-connect with nature. Due to their high bio-frequency they can change the way we think and feel within seconds and are one of the few natural substances to cross the blood brain barrier instantly, making them incredibly effective. They are volatile, potent and highly concentrated so only a few drops are needed to make a huge difference. They are nature’s first aid kit in a bottle, they can be helpful when not feeling our best, they can evoke emotions like no other and they are the ultimate mood enhancers. There is nothing quite like them anywhere on this planet.
My favourite essential oil is Rose of course!
My most treasured “possession” is My wedding rings and my Rose oil!
I wish I had spent more time Learning the guitar (and accounting and economics at school!)
I wish I hadn’t been so Emotional
My happiest moment in life was Getting married and having my two babies!
I’m very bad at Sticking to a budget
I’m very good at Cooking
Friends say I’m Caring
My greatest fear is Losing the people I love
If only I could be More intelligent!
I’m always being asked How to cook!
My worst job was I don't think I have ever had a bad job as such… Not such a great boss at one place but I soon fixed that and left!
My motivational tip is You are never as young as you are now so enjoy your body for what it is, stop berating it and blaming it for all that it is not - and learn to fall in love with it again. Be grateful for all of it, flaws and all, and for once in your life give it the love, respect and care it deserves.
I don’t like People that are mean to others, to kids, to animals or themselves.
I’m very happy being With my family and friends and I am always happy working!
I love My family, my friends and my beautiful business
I’m currently listening to The cricket!
My favourite movie is Like Water For Chocolate
I can’t wait to Feel like I have made it as a business woman and to celebrate with my team, my hubby and my children and to see them beyond proud of the legacy I have created.