Blog — antibiotics
Alison Bell
Understanding Leaky Gut Syndrome and How to Heal Your Gut Naturally
Written by MINND Foundation Leaky Gut Syndrome is one of many diseases that results from chronic inflammation. Poor gut health and inflammatory bowel diseases can be significant causes. Gut Health is Connected to All Aspects of Your Health Gastrointestinal issues may be as simple as gas and bloating, or as severe as food sensitivity and constipation, yet these conditions are not a natural part of daily health or the process of ageing. Gut health serves as a direct indicator of overall health; thus, digestive issues can be symptoms of more serious conditions. The Gut Responds to Diet and Lifestyle The...
Alison Bell
Grass-fed or Grain-fed Cattle - What's the Difference?
Which is Better and Why It’s a topic of conversation that can easily escalate into a heated and lengthy debate, particularly when it comes to livestock farmers. If you like to live by the notion of ‘the more natural better’ then you will probably agree that grass fed beef is the way to go. When compared with grain fed beef, grass fed beef; Is leaner Has lower levels of dietary cholesterol Has higher levels of Vitamin A and E – which can help fight heart disease Has Higher levels of heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids Can improve blood sugar through the...
Alison Bell
Hippocrates - The Man Knew What He Was on About
Born around 460BC, Hippocrates was from Kos in Greece. Regarded as the greatest physician of his time, he is often referred to as the Father of Modern Medicine. [1] He was the first person to remove the link between religious superstition and medicine. He achieved this by establishing medicine as a science based on observation. Hippocrates also developed an understanding of how health is often influenced by the environment, by diet and by the failure of bodily functions. In short, he was a very smart man who knew his stuff and was ahead of his time. In addition to the all this,...
Alison Bell
Smudging: How Burning Sage Actually Kills Bacteria In The Air & So Much More
Written by I strike a match and hold it up to a bundle of dried sage. A flame ignites, and I let it burn for a moment, then blow it out. A cleansing dark blue-to-white ombré of smoke swirls around the room, purifying the space. And I don’t mean that energetically or symbolically. As it turns out, smudging—as the ancient practice of burning sage and other herbs is called—appears to have antiseptic, bacteria-killing properties. The results of a study that set out to examine the potential uses of smudging in Western medicine were published in a 2006 scientific paper titled...