Blog — cancer

8 Health Dangers of Canola Oil: Not the Healthy Oil You’ve Been Led to Believe

8 Health Dangers of Canola Oil: Not the Healthy Oil You’ve Been Led to Believe

Canola oil has practically taken over as the food processing industry’s oil of choice. Whether it’s mayonnaise, chips, or salad dressings, canola oil is usually the first, second or third ingredient on the list. Unfortunately, the health dangers of canola oil are far beyond what we’ve been led to believe.So if there aren’t any actual health reasons to use it, why would it be so widely used throughout the food industry? As with most reasons certain ingredients are used over others – the price. Canola oil is extremely inexpensive to grow and harvest. It is also very easy to grow, due to its...

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Origins of the Microbiome

Origins of the Microbiome

Written by Kelly Brogan, MD.  "We barely know what we are doing when it comes to probiotic supplementation,” I admitted to my patient, “but we do know that we are on the verge of the most sophisticated understanding of human health and disease since the dawn of medicine, and it comes down to our symbiotic relationship to our body’s microbes.” The abuses we have brought upon our gut flora are largely obvious – we have been eating loads of sugar, processed vegetable oils, pesticides, genetically modified foods, and living in a bath of and industrial chemicals. But what should our microbiome look...

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9 Powerful Uses for Frankincense Oil

9 Powerful Uses for Frankincense Oil

Written by   The healing power of essential oils has been known and used since the most ancient of times. This is testified in Egyptian hieroglyphics dating more than 5,000 years ago. They are considered to be the first medicines of mankind and were an important part of the prescriptions of Hippocrates. Essential oils were also used very regularly during biblical times, and they are mentioned frequently throughout the bible. One oil that is referenced often in the bible is frankincense. Frankincense was one of the oils used to make the holy incense of Exodus (Exodus 30:34-36), and it...

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Bone Broth and MSG: What You Need to Know Now

Bone Broth and MSG: What You Need to Know Now

Written by Kaayla T. Daniel Glutamine is a conditionally essential amino acid that is critical for gut, brain and immune health.  It’s also taken by many bodybuilders and other athletes to enhance muscle building and to speed recovery from injuries and overtraining. Despite its many virtues, glutamine has risks. High supplemental doses, as taken by some bodybuilders, have caused dizziness, headaches and neurological problems. But it’s not just people going overboard with supplements who are reacting poorly to glutamine. Many people today, especially autistic children, have problems metabolizing glutamine properly, a problem caused by multiple factors, including vitamin B6 deficiency, lead...

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