Blog — gallbladder

The Little-Known Connection between Leaky Gut, Gluten Intolerance, and Gallbladder Problems

The Little-Known Connection between Leaky Gut, Gluten Intolerance, and Gallbladder Problems

Written by Chris Kresser Do you have trouble digesting fatty foods? Back pain or nausea? A sluggish gallbladder may be to blame. Recent evidence suggests that inflammation in the gut is closely related to gallbladder function. Read on to learn about the gut-biliary connection, how gluten might be involved, and how to get things flowing again. As Hippocrates once said, "All disease begins in the gut." Researchers have indeed found that many diseases are linked to changes in gut microbes or gut function. I've written many articles on connections between the gut and other organs on my blog: Gut-brain Gut-bone...

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