Blog — travel
Alison Bell
Traveling Bags of Broth
Written By: Kylie of The Happy Gut OK, so the jerky is done, now for the gut healing bags of brothy / vegetable goodness! I’m always loking for ways to use the dehydrator and this trip has been a great excuse. Activated nuts and seeds ready to go, beef jerky ready to go, and now my emergency bags of broth and vegetable soup. What I really want for my family while we’re on the road is easy meals, not too much cleaning up, not too much food prep, healthy even though we may not have regular access to fresh vegetables...
Alison Bell
The Portable Nutrient Dense Elixir
The perfect addition to your holiday packing Bone broth has many wonders. One of which is talked about less than others is the fact that it is so portable, particularly when in dehydrated form. It is the perfect addition to any overnight bag, weekend pack or suitcase. It brings with it the peace of mind that you and your family will have access to the nutrients, vitamins and minerals the body so desperately craves, while you’re on the road. Though it might seem an incredibly innovative and new age approach to maintaining good health, the portability of bone broth...
Alison Bell
4 Things All Travellers Need!
Written by Alison Bell. Travel has become a part of daily life. Gone are the times when only the privileged went on a plane or travelled overseas. To visit another country was once seen as exotic and out of reach of the common person. Today, most families take their children on holidays from an early age, and are not afraid to use any mode of transport from long drives, to aeroplanes. Travel now incorporates the lone backpacker, the family camping trip, the adventure seeker, the hiker, the resort lifestyler right through to the business executive. None of us are immune to travel, but...