Alison Bell
Understanding the True Cause of Autoimmune Disease
Written by Dr Amy Myers. I want to highlight some of my most helpful articles about autoimmune disease over the next four weeks. My mission is to empower others by providing them the tools I wish I had when conventional medicine failed me during my own struggle with autoimmune disease. That’s why these articles are packed with important information and practical tips to help you get to the root of your health problems and reverse your condition. Follow along as we explore how to optimize your diet, heal your gut, and make lasting lifestyle changes to calm your inflammation and eliminate your symptoms. Plus, I’ll be offering special...
Alison Bell
I was wrong about veganism. Let them eat meat – but farm it properly
Written by George Monbiot for The Guardian This will not be an easy column to write. I am about to put down 1,200 words in support of a book that starts by attacking me and often returns to this sport. But it has persuaded me that I was wrong. More to the point, it has opened my eyes to some fascinating complexities in what seemed to be a black and white case.In the Guardian in 2002 I discussed the sharp rise in the number of the world's livestock, and the connection between their consumption of grain and human malnutrition. After reviewing the...
Alison Bell
Liver: nature’s most potent superfood
Written by Chris Kresser Conventional dietary wisdom holds that the micronutrients (vitamins, minerals and trace elements) we need from foods are most highly concentrated in fruits and vegetables. While it’s true that fresh fruits and veggies are full of vitamins and minerals, their micronutrient content doesn’t always hold up to what is found in meats and organ meats – especially liver. The chart below lists the micronutrient content of apples, carrots, red meat and beef liver. Note that every nutrient in red meat except for vitamin C surpasses those in apples and carrots, and every nutrient—including vitamin C—in beef liver...