
4 Things All Travellers Need!

4 Things All Travellers Need!

Written by Alison Bell.  Travel has become a part of daily life. Gone are the times when only the privileged went on a plane or travelled overseas. To visit another country was once seen as exotic and out of reach of the common person. Today, most families take their children on holidays from an early age, and are not afraid to use any mode of transport from long drives, to aeroplanes. Travel now incorporates the lone backpacker, the family camping trip, the adventure seeker, the hiker, the resort lifestyler right through to the business executive. None of us are immune to travel, but...

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Alison Bell
Kim Morrison: Inspiring self love & ritual advocate

Kim Morrison: Inspiring self love & ritual advocate

Hometown: Auckland, NZ Star Sign: Aries (Monkey in Chinese horoscope!) I start my day with Coconut oil pulling, a WOD (Workout Of the Day from 2mins to 50mins depending on time available) and lighting my vaporiser! I relax with Instant Calm and either watching a good movie or going for a run to clear my head!

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Alison Bell
Jeremy Princi: The Holistic Lifestyler himself

Jeremy Princi: The Holistic Lifestyler himself

Hometown: Brunswick, Western Australia Star Sign: Sagittarius  I start my day with usually a wee I relax with Tai Chi If I could wake up anywhere tomorrow it would be the Maldives I hear it's pretty awesome there  

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