Alison Bell
The Wonders of Collagen
8 Amazing Ways the Body Benefits from Collagen Consumption It’s an important piece of information that many who consume bone broth don’t already know… It’s packed with collagen. You might wonder what that even means, how it affects you and what collagen can actually do for you. Well, that’s what I’m here for. WHAT IS COLLAGEN To understand how it works, we must first understand what it is. In short, Collagen is the basic structure of bone, tendons, hair, skin, and connective tissues. When cooked, it forms into gelatin. Collagen is a pure, clear protein containing amino acids. Its consistency...
Alison Bell
Winter Comfort Foods
OUR FAVOURITE COMBOS THAT HELP TO MAKE WINTER THAT TINY BIT WARMER After a big day of feeling the cold, we all look forward to a deliciously warming dinner. Comfort foods come into their own in these cold months and quickly become the ‘go-to’ when temperatures begin to drop. Whether they are ones your Mum use to make, ones you developed a true appreciation for later in life or ones that seem somewhat unusual, the foods we love can have a profound effect on the way we are feeling. While often physically warming there is a magical power that comfort...
Alison Bell
Preparing the immune system with Bone Broth
When Autumn rolls around and the crispy, crunchy leaves form a tapestry of gorgeousness on the ground it’s the perfect time to stop and just breathe it all in. Though, as many of us know, along with a time of beauty Autumn also means the beginning of the snotty season. Sadly, the beauty of the cooler weather can quickly be forgotten when in the midst of a cloudy brain, a clogged-up nose and a scratchy throat. Like many, I am a big believer in preparation being the best form of defence and bone broth is the perfect way to start...
Alison Bell
The Gut Brain Connection
The Truth Behind ‘Gut Feelings’ Sometimes, I get a feeling in the pit of my stomach when something huge is about to take place. It’s happened ever since I was a kid. It can sometimes be caused by dread, by excitement, by nerves, happiness or sadness. For years I thought it was unique to me; this gut feeling. As it turns out, it’s a feeling; a sensation and almost a knowing that all of us have. It all comes down to the existence of a network of neurons (about 100 million) that line our guts and have resulted in the...